We know cities and their smart potential, we put our experience at the service of an increasingly technological and sustainable future
potential adj. and n. [from lat. potentialis, der. of potentia 'power']
Our projects are based on a great deal of work in the search for decorum and understanding of space, for an advertising proposal that is an added value for public spaces
A well-thought-out, well-structured, discreet and up-to-date advertising presence is not only non-invasive for urban spaces - be they public places, stations or means of transport - but can make its own contribution both aesthetically and functionally.
The new approach to advertising in the city environment requires a great deal of attention to balance and decorum: well-managed spaces, with meaningful messages, able to reach the target immediately and above all designed to deliver the right message to the user at the right time help people to experience the city well and at the same time represent revenue for the public purse or transport companies.

We have been at the side of cities in organising advertising spaces for decades: we have experienced the enormous developments in this sector at first hand, often even making our own personal contribution - as, for example, the Decaux group did by inventing communication integrated into public furniture.
We have been proactive to be ready for the new demands of the community and the new ways of life. We have studied materials, shapes, words, images.
The know-how built up by IGPDecaux - and even earlier by the two companies that gave it birth, IGP and JCDecaux - in dealing with public administrations, municipal owned companies, public transport and airport management companies allows our staff not only to respond to requests in a precise and timely manner, but also to act as a partner in managing every aspect of advertising concessions relating to external communication.

Once the communication management of a city or transport space has been awarded, the next step is to equip it with content. IGPDecaux's approach could be described as editorial: the client - typically a private company wishing to promote its products or services, but also the client itself in the spaces reserved for communicating to citizens - can count on the certainty that we will not simply fill in blank spaces.
We will ensure that each message is conveyed in the right way and in the right place, to optimise communication resources on the one hand and provide the user with a real service on the other.

In recent years, the JCDecaux Group has reinforced its strategy aimed at a selective digitisation of Italian cities, thanks to which IGPDecaux has already activated digital street furniture devices in recent years, including some smart ones equipped with interactive devices, which are added to the already extensive digital offer in the transport field (underground stations and airports).
The new digital screens offer a great opportunity for towns and cities, i.e., to use the new system and in particular the proposed new digital technology to develop a new and modern communication and information system, through which municipalities can modulate public utility communication to citizens in real time and interactively.

Public administrations will actually have at their disposal, completely free of charge, a powerful media channel that they can use on a daily basis to tell citizens about events, agendas and realities that surround them, thus ensuring a new zero-cost public utility service for inclusive and sustainable cities.
The project is perfectly in line with IGPDecaux's Mission, i.e., to ensure a high-quality advertising communication system by improving the usability of urban areas and encouraging the introduction of innovations, including technological innovations, while enhancing public information.
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