Milan, 23 NOVEMBER 2021 - IGPDecaux's Creative & Live Solutions business unit becomes Brand Solutions: an even more up-to-date positioning to continue realising outdoor communication projects capable of innovating IGPDecaux environments and products and giving brands visibility in the squares and streets of our cities.
The objective of Brand Solutions is to facilitate the meeting and dialogue between media centres, creative agencies, clients and the territory to develop integrated projects with high value and creative content, realised on Out Of Home communication assets and in cities.
'Brand' focuses on giving visibility to the creativity and values of brands. Values that our clients intend to communicate through creative branding projects that generate engagement with city audiences, increasing memorability thanks to solutions that innovatively interpret IGPDecaux's traditional assets and urban spaces: brand experience increases with brand shelters, event trams, station domination, tours, installations, events.
'Solutions' instead tells of solutions conceived and realised for customers, physical projects aimed at being communicated and amplified also through social communication. Concrete solutions for product placement and conveying brand value.
In addition to these skills, there is the experience gained in Brand Urbanism®
projects, an expression coined by JCDecaux to indicate medium-long-term interventions that brands carry out in the spaces of cities, realised to respond to the needs of entities and citizens and create a positive impact on territories and communities. Brand Urbanism® interventions by IGPDecaux are: the Edison charging stations in the underground; the Nike Dance Studio in the Porta Venezia Plaza; the Netflix Domination Station in Porta Venezia, which has become iconic for one of the neighbourhood's key communities. But that's not all: the Christmas trees in Italy's major squares that respond to the need to celebrate an essential calendar moment in Italy, to which the Public Administrations can respond with brand special projects.
With the Brand Solutions business unit, IGPDecaux continues its mission to give back colours to our cities together with customers and brands.
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