Serenis is a start-up offering a professional online psychotherapy counselling service. The company is a medical centre authorised by the ATS of Milan and immediately set itself an ambitious goal: to come out of silence and make the importance of therapy heard loud and clear in a context like the Italian one, where mental wellbeing is still too undervalued.
"Per raccontare la terapia serve spazio”, and, since to tell the story of therapy you need space, Serenis has planned an integrated Out Of Home campaign with IGPDecaux that includes a maxi circuit in the Milan underground, a Jumbo Tram, a Fullwrap two-box tram and a Station Domination in Cordusio.

The creations, through simple and direct copy, tell what psychotherapy is by alternating useful information and awareness-raising messages designed to introduce and bring people closer to this world.
The symbol of the campaign are the posters affixed upside down: here a reversal of perspective is stimulated, an extra effort to read the message. The reference is to the typical mechanism of the therapeutic paths offered by Serenis, where feelings and emotions are analysed from a different point of view in order to understand and manage them.
The message chosen for the Fullwrap of the Jumbo Tram is also striking: Chi va in terapia non è normale. Ma anche chi non ci va (Those who go to therapy are not normal. But so are those who don't go), chosen in contrast to an outdated social stereotype.