
Buddyfit brings Out Of Home training with IGPDecaux and Nurture

IGPDecaux's OOH campaign for Buddyfit, a platform that helps people to maintain an active life and keep fit by training directly from home, is told in the streets of Milan, Turin and Genoa through witty claims with a romantic vein. The outdoor advertising project went on air in February 2021, the most romantic month of the year, and involved a network of street furniture, both analogue (MUPI) and digital, in the three major Italian cities.



In order to involve an even broader audience Buddyfit has chosen OOH which, not unlike its own business, wants to speak to everyone: the Fitness app itself addresses different age groups, offering programmes aimed at the physical well-being of individuals and families. Through monthly, six-monthly or annual subscriptions, it is in fact possible to follow over 100 Fitness, Yoga, Cardio classes, to name but a few, live from your living room every week.

“Sei il mio cardio workout preferito”, “Il mio amore per te è più profondo di uno squat” are some of the headlines that the Buddyfit Creative Team brought to IGPDecaux's installations, funny phrases in line with the mood of the Live Fitness platform.

The Buddyfit campaign, on air until 28 February, is part of the IGPDecaux Nurture startup affiliate programme, launched by the JCDecaux Group and present in Italy for over a year.

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